Institut pro byzantská a východokřesťanská studia / Institute for Byzantine and Eastern Christian Studies
(IBYZ o.p.s.), having its seat at 166/22 Dolní náměstí in Olomouc, Czech Republic, IČO (identification / registration number: 286 16 880) was founded in 2010 and registered as a society for public benefit in the Czech Republic.
Ever since its foundation, IBYZ has assisted numerous scholars (students, teachers, and others) with their dissertations and with the preparation of their various publications.
The main aim of the Institute is to make available the publications collected in its library, containing books and journals in the field of Byzantine and Eastern / Early Christian Studies in several languages (mainly in English, Czech, Romanian, Russian, Greek, and others).
Those interested may make an appointment to meet the Institute’s specialists in these fields of research for advice. Communication may also take place by correspondence.